You'll find that you end up getting nothing but spam friend requests from 'bands' wanting you to notice them.
Posted by Damien Ryan at May 8, 2006 02:17 PMHey Damien, hadn't realised you were still reading :-)
I can well believe you about the spam friend requests. Still, we'll see how bad it gets...
Posted by Adrian at May 8, 2006 02:40 PMI think it's useless. I've just signed up for it too for exactly the same reason, just for the bands, but apparently many people go friend-begging to make themselves look popular. Plus it logs you out all the flamin' time and none of the links follow in logical order so you start trying to do something and can't carry on. I am this close: to cancelling my account.
Posted by Kate at May 8, 2006 11:55 PMWell, it's been less than a day and I've already had my first "join our get-rich-quick group" invite. And I have been rather unimpressed with the quality of the actual "application".
Posted by Adrian at May 9, 2006 10:09 AM