March 16, 2025

Community, Leadership and Power

Terence Eden recently reposted a link to an old blogpost of his: I don't have a community.

I don't believe that he isn't a member of a number of communities, but maybe he means in some sort of officially-recognised capacity. He might be right in that. However, he seems to then extrapolate that into him not listening to any "community leaders". No-one's telling him what to do, right?!

I agree that "community leaders" is a pretty ham-fisted term but let's cut the media some slack on that; what else would they use? Influencer?

I'm also on-board with rejecting the sort of top-down communities in favour of the bottom-up grassroots sort of groups that he hints at.


I'm not on-board with the atomised, individualistic disassociation with society. Maybe that's not intended, but it reminds me of the disdain for management and the let's-keep-politics-out-of-tech culture in tech.

I understand (and share) the appeal, but the problem with that is that it surrenders our power (however little that is) to others who aren't necessarily as benevolent as we are. Maybe the problem is that we know how much work it would be to manage projects properly, or to fairly use that collected power, and it's not the type of work we enjoy and there's already too much to do.

The risk with that is that the folk who do it instead are those who don't care that the projects are managed properly or that the power they wield is used equitably. And we're reaping the "rewards" of our avoiding that work over the past couple of decades now, with fascist techbros looting the US.

I am some sort of community leader. As a co-founder and director of DoES Liverpool I have more explicit and implicit power and influence than other members of that community. Similarly, within the #FolkRidingBikes group—despite my attempts not to be—I'm one of the people folk look to for choosing routes or making decisions.

I think it's important we realise and recognise when we do have power; and aim to use it responsibly and to encourage others to develop theirs and to share it with those less privileged.

Posted by Adrian at 01:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 10, 2025

Interesting Things on the Internet: March 10th 2025 Edition

  • Excerpt from The Boy in the Box; The end (p. 352) "The good thing about everything being so messed up is that no matter where you look there’s good work to be done."
  • Who is Free Software for? This. We need more of us to be building tech that works for others where they are.
  • What You Should Do. Trying to channel the advice in here, as well as I can. And while it would be easier if I had more money, or had started earlier, or, or, or... I also know that I need to start from where I am, not some mythical ideal place.
Posted by Adrian at 12:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

January 27, 2025

Interesting Things on the Internet: January 27th 2025 Edition

  • The end of the playground. "By mandating which services have to be funded while simultaneously capping the taxes that pay for them, Westminster has decided to cut or halt funding to an array of other services and pretend that this is the choice of local councils, which of course it isn’t." The legacy from the Tories, which Labour seem to be doing little to address (I know, it's hard, but doubling-down on "hard choices" that only seem to apply to the least able to bear the cost doesn't scream "we're running a more equitable Government" to me), and meanwhile Reform go from nowhere to 11% of the vote in last week's council by-election. The easy way out is to demonize those voters, but I think Tim Bray's suggestion (see "In The Minority" below) is better; along with continuing the quotidian work of finding small ways to meet and connect with them.
  • Dual Power Supply: Snapshot. I'm a fan of both this research project looking to develop open-source hardware flow batteries, and how open they are about sharing their research journey. These are the sort of weeknotes I should be finding time to write.
  • In The Minority.

    Basically, in Modern Capitalism, whenever, and I mean whenever without exception, whenever someone offers you an “opportunity”, they’re trying to take advantage of you. This is appallingly tone-deaf, and apparently nobody inside that campaign asked themselves the simple question “Would I actually use this language in talking to someone I care about?” Because they wouldn’t.

    Be blunt. Call theft theft. Call lies lies. Call violence violence. Call ignorance ignorance. Call stupidity stupidity.

    Also, talk about money a lot. Because billionaires are unpopular.

  • Predictions Scorecard, 2025 January 01. Long but interesting investigation on AI, self-driving cars, etc. from someone who's been deep in that area or research and academia for many years. It's rather less "rah, rah, it's all going to be amazing" than the "AI" techbros or the politicians. I didn't find much I could pick holes in.
  • A Rant About “Technology”. This is excellent. "I don’t know how to build and power a refrigerator, or program a computer, but I don’t know how to make a fishhook or a pair of shoes, either. I could learn. We all can learn. That’s the neat thing about technologies. They’re what we can learn to do."
Posted by Adrian at 11:28 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 30, 2024

Interesting Things on the Internet: December 30th 2024 Edition

  • You Can't Rebrand a Class War. This is about America, but the Labour Party seem intent on telling everyone the system has failed over the past decades that it's not possible for it to improve, and will then be shocked when the populist fascists get more votes for their lies that they will improve things; just as happened with Brexit.
    When the current situation is broken and one party is determined to break it further, the answer is not to be the party of “We Want Things to Be Broken Somewhat Less.” The answer is to be the party that wants to fucking fix it.
  • To Hell With Good Intentions, Silicon Valley Edition. Excellent take on the "use AI for good" approach. Now I need to go read the original Ivan Illich speech that it's referencing.
  • The Failure, Fear, And Frenzy around Luigi Mangione. Excellent stand-up routine by Josh Johnson about, well, lots of things, but ostensibly the recent CEO murder.
  • Edward Henry KC's closing statement in the Horizon Post Office inquiry. When are the high-profile prosecutions going to happen, pour encourager les autres?
  • Meaning and origin of ‘pour encourager les autres’. And in double-checking that I'd got the phrase in the last point correct, I found that it's just proof that the arse-covering has been going on for centuries: "After the trial, public clamour rose high against the ministers, who had not supplied Byng with a properly manned fleet, but who, in order to save themselves, had thrown a great part of the blame upon Byng."
Posted by Adrian at 02:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 16, 2024

Interesting Things on the Internet: December 16th 2024 Edition

Posted by Adrian at 02:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

November 03, 2024

A Pattern Language for Pattern Languages

Many people I respect are big fans of Christopher Alexander's "A Pattern Language" (online PDF copy). I've leafed through it myself and had added it to my to read pile from an urbanism/architecture perspective.

I was also interested in the format itself. A book of patterns rather than rules feels like a much better way to approach group endeavours. In particular it felt like a good way into writing a "handbook" for DoES Liverpool—here are the ways we've found to organise the work and running of the space; they're not set in stone, but some of the panelling on Chesterton's fence here was put there for a reason, and you'll need to explain how your proposed change takes that into account.

However, I wasn't sure what a pattern language looks like in practice. I wondered if there was a pattern language for writing pattern languages, but hadn't come across one.

I figured I'd just have to get round to reading "A Pattern Language" in order to have at least one example from which I could extrapolate.

Finally started doing that today, just to find that the first nine pages of that are an explanation of pattern languages and how to lay them out:

The elements of this language are entities called patterns. Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.

For convenience and clarity, each pattern has the same format. First, there is a picture, which shows an archetypal example of that pattern. Second, after the picture, each pattern has an introductory paragraph, which sets the context for the pattern, by explaining how it helps to complete certain larger patterns. Then there are three diamonds to mark the beginning of the problem. After the diamonds there is a headline, in bold type. This headline gives the essence of the problem in one or two sentences. After the headline comes the body of the problem. This is the longest section. It describes the empirical background of the pattern, the evidence for its validity, the range of different ways the pattern can be manifested in a building, and so on. Then, again in bold type, like the headline, is the solution—the heart of the pattern—which describes the field of physical and social relationships which are required to solve the stated problem, in the stated context. This solution is always stated in the form of an instruction—so that you know exactly what you need to do, to build the pattern. Then, after the solution, there is a diagram, which shows the solution in the form of a diagram, with labels to indicate its main components.

After the diagram, another three diamonds, to show that the main body of the pattern is finished. And finally, after the diamonds there is a paragraph which ties the pattern to all those smaller patterns in the language, which are needed to complete this pattern, to embellish it, to fill it out.

There are two essential purposes behind this format. First, to present each pattern connected to other patterns, so that you grasp the collection of all 253 patterns as a whole, as a language, within which you can create an infinite variety of combinations. Second, to present the problem and solution of each pattern in such a way that you can judge it for yourself, and modify it, without losing the essence that is central to it.

Let us next understand the nature of the connection between patterns.

The patterns are ordered, beginning with the very largest, for regions and towns, then working down through neighborhoods, clusters of buildings, buildings, rooms and alcoves, ending finally with details of construction.

This order, which is presented as a straight linear sequence, is essential to the way the language works. It is presented, and explained more fully, in the next section. What is most important about this sequence, is that it is based on the connections between the patterns. Each pattern is connected to certain "larger" patterns which come above it in the language; and to certain "smaller" patterns which come below it in the language. The pattern helps to complete those larger patterns which are "above" it, and is itself completed by those smaller patterns which are "below" it.


You see then that the patterns are very much alive and evolving. In fact, if you like, each pattern may be looked upon as a hypothesis like one of the hypotheses of science. In this sense, each pattern represents our current best guess as to what arrangement of the physical environment will work to solve the problem presented. [...] But of course, no matter what [our indication of our certainty in each hypothesis] say, the patterns are still hypotheses, all 253 of them—and are therefore all tentative, all free to evolve under the impact of new experience and observation.

Posted by Adrian at 01:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

October 29, 2024

Blog All Dog-eared Pages: Boom Cities by Otto Saumarez Smith

I was initially drawn to reading Otto Saumarez Smith's Boom Cities (link to because of the chapter on Liverpool's post-war redevelopment proposed (and partially implemented) by the Shankland Report.

The rest was an interesting wider history in how British towns and cities were reconfigured in thrall to the car, but also how grand redevelopment projects are pursued by councillors to supposedly halt de-industrial decline with new buildings. Rather depressing to see nothing has been learnt from decades of that not working, and we're still throwing tens of millions of pounds at projects that might result in buildings that might then house some businesses or shops that might then employ some people and give them a livelihood.

Anyway; here are my dog-eared pages from reading it.

Page 10

In arguing that modernism and preservation were entangled, Boom Cities provides a more nuanced protrayal of a subject that has often been treated with a demonising vehemence—exemplified by the crass cliché that planners did more damage to cities than the Luftwaffe.

Page 12

Modernism, which has been the key to unlocking this moment in all previous accounts, is here implicitly downgraded as an explanatory tool. Although much of the planning of the 1960s is clearly related to the international, historical, and theoretical cluster of ideas that comes under the title of modernism, it is also shot through with many features that are more commonly understood as postmodern.

Page 16

It was common to point out that the decentralizing and suburbanizing effects engendered by the automobile had overtaken the cholera and over-crowding engendered by railways as the primary ill of cities. Terence Bendixson pushed the comparison further, seeing Colin Buchanan's seminal Traffic in Towns as providing a role analagous to the reforming reports of the nineteenth century[...]

Page 18

The Minister of Transport, Ernest Marples, certainly read, or misread, the report as a call for radical reconstruction:

It is fundamental to the whole report that it accepts the motor vehicle as a brilliant and beneficial invention. It is in no sense restricting the motor car. All it says is that we must use our motor cars to the maximum, and yet be sensible and keep some good environmental areas. We have to face the fact, whether we like it or not, that we have built our towns in entirely the wrong way for motor traffic. We want an entirely different type of town.

Page 38

Unlike his predecessor as Minister, Aneurin Bevan (a disciple of American urbanist Lewis Mumford), Macmillan displayed little curiosity about architectural aesthetics, and was criticized for being interested in quantity at the expense of quality. The one qualitative statement on architectural matters to be found in his diaries from this period deals with a trip to Sheffield and the gestating plans for the premier megastructural 'streets in the sky' estate, Park Hill: 'The architect seemed very good. Some new flats (on the hill) should be very good.'

Page 46

The bold scale of modernist solutions was a central element of what Tories took from modernism, as modernist planning would provide ever greater sites for profitable redevelopment. The engagement with modernism went further than this, though: it was used to give form to the future envisaged by the Conservatives through the mantras of prosperity and affluence. Modernism, despite its early connection with the socialism of the Bauhaus, is clearly as amenable to as broad a range of political symbolic meanings as any other style of architecture.

Page 54

Replacing this generic Victorian city was to be an archetypal modern one, with its central pedestrian precinct and shopping area, encircled by a bus and service road. Adjoining this central core is a ring of development for parking, offices, high-density housing (at the anti-suburban density of 100 persons per acre), and civic and entertainment zones. Encircling the whole inner area is an urban motorway in a loop. Here was a replicable vision for a Macmillanite urban utopia.

Page 55

Even the then unbuilt megastructural project St John's Precinct in Liverpool is included and commended for showing the possibility of redevelopment 'planned as essentially one great building in which all the different uses are inter-related and form part of the same architectural concept'. This was a project at the forefront of planning thought, and was praised in 1963 by Peter Hall as displaying a 'sophistication of the principle' of vertical segregation. It was also, perhaps better explaining its inclusion, the result of a public-private partnership between Liverpool's Conservative-controlled city council and Ravenseft Properties Ltd.

Page 61

For Leicester, the JUPG [Joint Urban Planning Group] advocated a public transport solution, and a type of rhetoric that had been largely absent from discussions about traffic in the early 1960s finally reached the agenda: 'A public transport solution would, incidentally, give a better service to the young, the old and many of the disabled. It must seriously be doubted whether a town which provides badly for these substantial groups can be called really civilised'.

Page 77

If Lancashire remained an area of 'old and decaying towns and of general dereliction, young people (including the vitally needed skilled workers and University graduates) would be attracted to other parts of the country, and industrialists would be unwilling to consider moving into Lancashire'. The shopping centre, it was envisioned, would provide the amenities desired for these two vital groups.


It is perplexing that the response towards solving, or even just to addressing, labour-market failure focused so much on programmes for the provision of consumer goods and an improved aesthetic environment. Perhaps the central reason that these ill-suited weapons were grasped to combat deindustrialzation was that, in a mixed economy, redevelopment was one of the few areas in which local authorities could rely on private investment. With Macmillan, or for that matter his successors, unable to countenance the level of dirigisme that would have been welcomed by the many councillors on the delegation, most vocally represented by Liverpool's Jack Braddock, redevelopment was the only area where the councillors could make a suitably dramatic show of tackling the issue.

Page 102

In 1963 Peter Hall was already praising Shankland's plan of September 1962 for the St. John's Precinct, suggesting that it showed a 'sophistication of the principle' of vertical segregation. It was boasted of the plan that if 'realised this would be one of the largest pedestrian precincts outside of Venice.'

Page 104

Shankland's rhetoric at Liverpool echoes the foundational belief behind the political planning philosophy of the early 1960s that continuous economic growth would provide the basis for uninterrupted social progress. The optimism was self-consciously purposive at Liverpool, and was part of a campaign to achieve what Shankland saw as his 'first job': banishing this 'smell of defeat' caused by forty years of economic decline.

Claims of being the biggest or first at something - check; economic growth as saviour - check; boosterism and fake-it-till-you-make-it winning out over the substance of doing the work - check. Sixty years on, and we're still trying the same playbook as if it didn't fail then.

Page 105

'For 20 years', The Times commented, 'the centre of Liverpool has been like the belly of some mangy stuffed animal in a Victorian museum. Great bald patches caused by bombing serve as temporary car parks [...]'

Page 113

The travails experience by Shankland's plans for Liverpool are too large a subject to do justice to here. The motorway achieved central government backing in 1965, but only parts were completed. It soon became apparent that financial optimism had been spectacularly misplaced. Areas of dereliction were as often the occasion for Shankland's attention as were caused by it. Nevertheless, with very little of the plan realised, and what was built by private capital being shoddy, the Liberal Party took power of Liverpool Council in 1973 on a wave of resentment over planning blight.

Page 122

It was hoped that the right kind of cities would provide a culturally rich environment which would act as a dam against the enormous changes in society that were sweeping through Britain due to rising affluence, consumerism, the motor car, and television. [Shankland's] plans aspired to preserve traditional urban communities, which 'people will not want to escape from—either by means of the motor car, the bottle or T.V.' Shankland's approach was informed by a politically aware outlook that was meliorist and modernizing, but was simultaneously fearful about the changes affecting British society.

Page 124

We were handling the difficult combination of a revolutionary architecture rooted in a new technology on the one hand, and on the other an historically unprecedented concern for the world we had inherited. For Brett there was, at least initially, no cognitive dissonance in attempting to hold on to both modernism and British traditions; indeed they were mutually reinforcing. Modernist solutions were seen by Brett as the only way to achieve other, more nuanced desiderata.

Page 136

The Architectural Review even eschews the radical implications behind the label SPUR [the Society for the Promotion of Urban Renewal], preferring instead 'the Environmentalists': '"rebuild", "renew," "re-create," are words I avoid in this context, since they imply varying degrees of condescension to places many of which are thick with character, guarded by the wry affection of many people, and short only on imaginative leadership.'

Page 140

Taking as his cue Buchanan's study of Norwich, Brett argued that for the half dozen or so historic cities which 'represent our version of the European urban tradition at its best' radials should stop before the core, 'ending normally in a ring of multi-storey car parks linked by some sort of inner circular road', while inside the core there should be a total ban on commuters' and visitors' cars. He suggested, as Konrad Smigielski had for Leicester, that an electric rickshaw service should be developed to serve 'elderly people and invalids and heavily laden shoppers'. This all pretty much foreshadows the approach Brett would apply at York four years later. The article is also interesting for warning of the risk of 'regeneration degenerating into eviction and class war', in the same year that Ruth Glass coined the term 'gentrification'.

Page 167

Worse than such aesthetic worries were fears about what was happening in city-centre redevelopment, that it just wasn't good enough, a widely felt sentiment. Crossman lamented, 'As I go round the country...I am getting used to being shown the most magnificent plans in the council offices and then feeling a sense of anti-climax when I walk outside and see the actual buildings going up.'

Page 169

To put it rather broadly, in the early 1960s city-centre plans had been created for the beneficiaries or future beneficiaries of affluence, people who, like the architects themselves, were envisaged as 'young professionals, likely to have a taste for Mediterranean holidays, French food and Scandinavian design'. This was linked to the Croslandite ideal that a more equitable and 'civilized' society could be built on the basis of increased economic growth. Planners focused on the needs of those emerging into affluence, with very little concept that some would be left behind. There was an element of wish fulfillment in all this, as it was exactly in those cities which were being left relatively behind in the move towards mass affluence that the planners most resoundingly celebrated the new world, so that Walter Bor could say of Liverpool, 'Car ownership is rising, travel is becoming more popular, new patterns of recreation are emerging.' Well yes, but significantly less than in the rest of England and on shaky foundations. Before what has been called the 'rediscovery of poverty' in the later 1960s, planning discourse mirrored political discourse in that it tended to ignore problems of poverty. There is a presumption that all would eventually share in the fruits of growth.

Page 171

Cycling, on the other hand, is treated blithely, if at all. Buchanan mentions techno-gizmos such as jetpacks, hovercraft, helicopters, and conveyor belts as 'possible substitutes for the motor car', but the bicycle was forgotten and the possibility of cycle tracks dismissed as 'very expensive, and probably impracticable'. Cycles receive similarly scant, on non-existent, treatment in the other planning manuals or overviews of the period. At Hook, it was felt that 'In view of the considerable possibility that non-powered bicycles will virtually disappear except for their use by children, only a limited system of independent cycle tracks is proposed.' Geoffrey Jellicoe wrote that cycling was 'an anachronism in the modern world'. This was all despite the fact that, in a survey of six towns near London in 1957, 35 per cent of the journeys to work were by bicycle, while even in the new town of Crawley, where no provision whatsoever had been made for cyclists, it was found that 25 per cent of journeys were made by this means.

Posted by Adrian at 01:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

October 21, 2024

Interesting Things on the Internet: October 21st 2024 Edition

  • You Can't Make Friends With The Rockstars.
    By telling the story of an "evolved" Zuckerberg that's "unapologetic," the media whitewashes a man who has continually acted with disregard for society and exploited hundreds of millions of people in pursuit of eternal growth. By claiming he's "evolving" or "changing" or "growing" or anything like that, writers are actively working to forgive Zuckerberg, all without ever explaining what it is they're forgiving him for, because those analyses almost never happen.
  • Ta-Nehisi Coates & Jon Stewart: Understanding the Humiliation of Oppression. Really insightful interview. I should add some of Ta-Nehisi Coates' books to my reading list.
  • Adam Curtis: The Map No Longer Matches the Terrain. I've cooled a bit on Adam Curtis over the years, because he seems to create entertaining pointing-out-what's-wrong without any suggestion of how to fix things, or anywhere for that indignation to go; however, this is a great interview.
  • Dan Olson at XOXO Festival 2024 on the creative process and envy. Lots of this rings true for me.
Posted by Adrian at 11:07 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

September 23, 2024

Interesting Things on the Internet: September 23rd 2024 Edition

  • The Art of Taking It Slow. I don't agree with all of this—index gears are much better than friction levers, and I never got on with adjusting side-pull brakes—but cycling is definitely about comfort, enjoyment and fun.
  • Coming home.
    there’s all this hype about making everything easier and faster, about how we can eliminate all the work involved in the making of words and images. But no one arguing for this seems to have asked what’s left when the work is gone. What is the experience of asking for something to appear and then instantly receiving it? What changes between the thought and the manifestation? I fear that nothing changes, that nothing is changed in such a making, least of all ourselves.
  • (1970) Huey P. Newton, “The Women’s Liberation and Gay Liberation Movements”. Excellent speech looking to build solidarity between the black liberation, gay and feminist movements. We need more of this sort of approach today.
Posted by Adrian at 03:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

September 09, 2024

Interesting Things on the Internet: September 9th 2024 Edition

  • Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong. Excellent interview covering lots of what's wrong with surveillance capitalism and what we need (more folk) to do in order to build a better alternative.
  • Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
    In the UK in 2024, I can go online and buy a solar panel with the same dimensions as a fence panel, for only double the cost. In five years, the cost of solar will have halved again.
    We need to electrify more things. We need more manufacturing that takes advantage of spiky energy gluts; making things when the sun shines, or overnight when the wind blows.
  • Some bullet-points about regulation.
    In Britain now, for instance, the actual government of the sixth largest economy on earth – a nuclear power, a permanent member of the UN security council – has no mechanism to stop executives from pumping shit into rivers while routing profits off-shore.
    I have a half-theory that larger organisations are plausible deniability generators, which allow blame to be avoided and dissipated; this feels like a related structure.
Posted by Adrian at 01:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)