The Web as filtered (and hopefully enriched ;-) by Adrian McEwen
October 27, 2014
Interesting Things on the Internet: October 27th 2014
- The quarryman's symphony. It doesn't sound like much, but this video of a quarryman orchestrating the moving of hugs blocks of marble like a conductor does an orchestra is captivating.
- Yes We Can. But Should We? We need more critical thinking around the maker movement, IoT, and probably life in general :-)
October 20, 2014
Interesting Things on the Internet: October 20th 2014
- How to build a fairer city. Takes a while to get going, but the suggestions for how cities should look to develop, rather than compete, could move the debate on usefully. It would be good to see the council considering what this would look like for Liverpool
- Organize! What the Artists’ Union of the 1930s Can Teach Us Today. Interesting to see that artists formed a union back in the 30s, given that it seems difficult to see who the "boss" would be that they'd organise against today. Maybe they could just lend weight to, or seek to influence, political parties instead?
- Radio: Experimental Form. Always nice to see people experimenting with device interfaces, particularly when they're in such a beautiful wood case.
- Listening Post Ten Years On. Nice look at some of the techniques used in creating an interesting piece of media art. Wonder if FACT could be persuaded to bring it to Liverpool sometime?
- Bohemias and Backwaters. The best time to start creating is today.
- "This kind of naive scoring system is a terrible idea. The only thing worse would be a sophisticated scoring system." The comment, and the linked article, are both well worth a read.
- Something New for Politics? A nice intro to James Smith's new political party.
- Mind The Gap: You Are As You Are Eaten. Rather deep and philosophical, but interesting thinking on consumerism, big data, and the meaning of life.
- Art at the Edge of Tomorrow. A great piece on Lillian Schwartz's work at Bell Labs. "Because there are so many Lillian Schwartzes who are looking for their Murray Hill, and so many Bell Labs who need to find their Lillian Schwartz."
October 13, 2014
Interesting Things on the Internet: October 13th 2014