Interesting Things on the Internet: December 26th 2023 Edition
These posts are all scheduled and so posted by a machine rather than requiring me to actually click "publish" at the exact time, but posting on Christmas Day still seems a bit odd, so this is a Boxing Day sale sort of Interesting Things. Happy holidays!
- What If by Benjamin Zephaniah. This poem is a quarter of a century old, yet sadly so, so relevant.
- Elon Musk’s Big Lie About Tesla Is Finally Exposed. "[Tesla] built a simulacrum of a self-driving system, a spectacle for consumers and Wall Street alike, that boosted profits and stock prices at the expense of anyone who happened to be looking at their phone when the system made a mistake." The computer science software ethics modules must be so much easier to teach these days, given the number of examples to draw upon. There were just a couple of aircraft fly-by-wire examples when I did my degree.
- 17776. A lovely bit of hypertext sci-fi.
- Warning: May Contain Non-Design Content. "Over the years, I came to realize that my best work has always involved subjects that interested me, or — even better — subjects about which I've become interested, and even passionate about, through the very process of doing design work."