October 04, 2004

From Canada To Cambridge

Sean Michaels, mp3 blogger of said the gramophone fame is currently on his travels around Europe with buddy Julian.

On Saturday, they rocked up here in Cambridge and I said I'd take them out for a beer. So, from 7pm TONIGHT we'll be in the Fort St. George (on the river and Midsummer Common) for food and some beers, and I figured I'd throw the invite open to anyone else who fancies popping along.

I'll be the one looking like this only without the orange microphone or the scary backup singers. And I'll be wearing a blue t-shirt with "The North" emblazoned across the front.

There's a chance we'll be moving on later in the evening, so anyone planning to turn up after 8:30-9:00 (not that I expect anyone will turn up, late or not...) should probably give me a bell on 07710 036866 and I can confirm where we are.

Posted by Adrian at October 4, 2004 10:36 AM | TrackBack

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