March 09, 2004

Not Quite Dystypia

Dystypia - the typing equivalent of dyslexia, getting the letters in the wrong order.

I don't generally suffer from dystypia, but do commonly replace the word I want with a different, although usually related in some way, word somewhere between my brain thinking it and my fingers typing it. Often "thing" instead of "think", "there" over "the", or "bugger" in place of "buffer" (mind you, if you'd seen my code... ;-)

So I was amused to find that when I'd been ripping some old vinyl recently, I've ended up with Simon & Garfunkel trying to "Keep the costumer satisfied". To hell with their customers presumably.

Posted by Adrian at March 9, 2004 05:00 PM | TrackBack

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There are particular weblog-related dystypos, my favourite of which is Hydragenic's "blogdrool" instead of "blogroll."

Posted by: Karen at March 14, 2004 02:14 PM

This happens to me a lot. I call it "worm blindness" - when my brain thinks of a worm and my fingers type a different one that sounds similar.

Posted by: Hg at March 14, 2004 07:14 PM
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