April 14, 2014

RSS Feeds

One of the benefits (and by which, I really mean disadvantages... :-) of having a blog that's *checks* ooh, 11 years and 5 days old, is that you have no real recollection of why you set things up the way you did.

I'm sure there was a good reason why I didn't provide a full-text RSS feed for it. However, I have no idea what that reason was. Up until recently, the RSS feed link pointed to an RSS1.0 version - index.rdf. At some point I'd also added a full-text RSS2.0 version - index.xml, again, for reasons lost to the mists of time.

A few people recently had asked for a full-text version, including tedder42 in a comment on the most recent entry. I had been pointing people at the index.xml feed, as a simple fix, and updated the links on the main page to that a month or two back, so any new subscribers would get that version.

However, in the spirit of GDS' Do the hard work to make it simple, I figured I should just switch the index.rdf feed to full-text too.

So, if you happen to be reading this via RSS (yay!) then you should now get the full posts (with embedded links). Though if it turns out that doing that has broken your reading of the site, give me a shout and I'll switch it back and point people at the original full-text version.

Phew. Lots of words, for nothing particularly exciting. (No change there then... ;-)

Posted by Adrian at April 14, 2014 04:57 PM | TrackBack

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