November 05, 2006

ESWC - Keynote Address: Bob Walsh

ESWC - Keynote Address: Bob Walsh

Event type: Conference

Date: 2006-11-04

Bob Walsh blogs at both and, and has written a book on how to start your own micro ISV - 'Micro ISV: From Vision to Reality'

You are writing communities, not software.

There's a new reality - the Internet. Almost like a new country. The long tail means that there's almost no niche too small.

microISV development:

Quality matters most - need to minimize tech support.

Leverage - time and task management is key.

  • Buy Getting Things Done
  • Showed how one man can leverage more than you'd expect with clip of the Stonehenge video

Community Building

  • craving for community
  • social software

Make a Difference

  • don't copy things
  • Internet means there only needs to be one version of anything
  • fix new problems
  • you need PASSION to fuel this fire
  • See also Gavin Bowman's write-up
  • Tags: ESWC European Shareware Conference Cambridge Keynote

    Posted by Adrian at November 5, 2006 08:04 AM | TrackBack

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