March 13, 2006

PeerBackup Update

It feels as if (and has probably been quite apparent that) I have been struggling to post regularly to McFilter recently, and in particular, I think it's been a bit light on content about how the business is going. As is often the case with blogging, a lack of posts is mainly down to a lack of time, because things are rather busy.

So although there hasn't been much talk about the business, there has been plenty of work on the business. Which is the way it should be, of course.

On Friday I made what I expect to be the final release of PeerBackup to the beta testers! (Well, strictly speaking, the final release of PeerBackup was the previous release, but more of that in the next post...). I'm pleased with how well it all hangs together, and with the new artwork it looks like a pretty professional, polished application (which of course it is ;-)

Now I need to concentrate on finishing off the revamp of the MCQN Ltd. website and getting the payment processing up and running, and then you'll be able to go out and buy it!

Posted by Adrian at March 13, 2006 10:30 AM | TrackBack

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