October 15, 2013

LJMU Talk Links

Yesterday I gave a talk to some of the final year Computer Games Technology students at Liverpool John Moores University. I'll post the slides up later next month (after I've reused them for a talk for some Mathematics and Information System second years ;-)

In the meantime, here are the links to some of the stuff I talked about...

Zombies, Run!

For more about the Internet of Things, my company blog would be a good start, particularly my slides from CodePool 13 or alternatively check out Enchanted Objects: the Internet of Things for Humans, written by my co-author, on the blog for our book.

Lifehacker has a good round up of possible RSS readers so you can keep tabs on all sorts of blogs and websites.

Russell Davies wrote an excellent blog post a few years back on how to be interesting. Worth reading.

Get a github account. Use it.

Get a Twitter account. Find interesting people to follow - here's a start for some local techies.

Join the DoES Liverpool mailing list. Come along to some of the events. Also check out the Liverpool Digital Events calendar for even more stuff that's going on.

Posted by Adrian at October 15, 2013 12:03 PM | TrackBack

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