November 18, 2019

Interesting Things on the Internet: November 18th 2019

  • Before there was recycling, there was the rag trade. Interesting article about the literal rag trade.
  • Sweet Moderation, Heart of this Nation. "Will this matter, when it comes to the Mayoral election? Not a jot. Rory Stewart’s actual record as a politician will be a minor talking point for a media culture that draws its commentators from such a limited group of people. For them, what will matter is not policy but tone. His public image is part adventurer, part intellectual, all-round nice chap." Not just about Rory Stewart, but a great analysis of class, politics and the media here in the UK. Sadly.
  • Against Economics. A fantastic article, reviewing the book Money and Government: The Past and Future of Economics, and running through how the intersection of economists and politics has failed us.

And an interesting talk on trust, (not) scaling, and decentralized tech from Darius Kazemi:

Eyeo 2019 - Darius Kazemi from Eyeo Festival on Vimeo.

Posted by Adrian at November 18, 2019 01:24 PM | TrackBack

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