January 05, 2006
links for 2006-01-05
Discusses some ways to use Ant to help with building PHP (or other) web apps. I'm surprised there aren't more articles like this, as surely it makes as much sense to use version control and build systems with web apps as it does with traditional apps? I
The solution to my making fresh pasta dilemma when I have something like six egg whites left over, although it may just result in the slow filling of my freezer with egg whites ready for when I "get round to making meringue"...
Wow! I want one of these floors for my parties. Make sure you check out the Video and Photos page!
Useful glossary of lots of the common Windows terms (like "About", "New", "Apply", "Dialog box") into an assortment of different languages
Tips on how to get your important data back from a dead hard drive if you haven't got PeerBackup yet ;-)
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If you want to hire my company to help you with the Internet of Things then get in touch. If you want to learn more about the Internet of Things, then buy my book Designing the Internet of Things (amazon.co.uk amazon.com).