February 14, 2006

links for 2006-02-14

  • Why do so many creative firms avoid putting prices on their websites? I like this firms approach - offering a set of "design packages" so those of us who assume that getting professional design would be expensive can see that it mightn't be as bad as the
    (tags: logo design)
  • Suggestions on how to choose the names for your CSS IDs and Classes. Basically, choose names that link to the structure of the webpage (like "branding", or "main-navigation") rather than the presentation of the webpage (such as "banner", or "left-hand-me
    (tags: CSS webdev)
  • Online tool to let you test webpages "for quality, accessibility and privacy issues."
  • From this week's Micro-ISV digest, this is an online version of a book about starting your own business by Bruce Judson.
Posted by delicious at February 14, 2006 08:17 AM | TrackBack

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