November 12, 2006
links for 2006-11-12
"95% of the information on the web is written language. It is only logical to say that a web designer should get good training in the main discipline of shaping written information, in other words: Typography."
Slides from a recent presentation given at Cambridge Energy. Digs into the facts and figures surrounding global warming. Lots of information but it's all well laid out and understandable.
Multimap for the 1940s - see what your area of the UK looked like half a century ago
Local handyman who's business is climate neutral. Might see if he can re-plaster the ceiling when we get the bathroom redone
I often wonder if I should splash out on a good office chair, but am never sure just how good they are. If you watch the woman bouncing on this one, you'll wonder just what kind of chair she was using!
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