February 15, 2008
links for 2008-02-15
Five simple steps to follow in order to have more ideas. Simple in how they can be explained, that is ' there is some work to do in implementing them.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by Prince Charles giving a speech about climate change, but I am impressed at how well he puts the problems across. I hope it has some effect.
Useful collection of articles about how to create digital art - sound, graphics, hacking together bits of hardware to control things... Lots of links to other bits of software and hardware
This blog post is on the personal blog of Adrian McEwen. If you want to explore the site a bit further, it might be worth having a look at the most recent entries or look through the archives or categories over on the left.
If you want to hire my company to help you with the Internet of Things then get in touch. If you want to learn more about the Internet of Things, then buy my book Designing the Internet of Things (amazon.co.uk amazon.com).