April 19, 2009

The Songbook Sessions at Zanzibar

The Songbook Sessions at Zanzibar

Event type: Concert

Date: 2009-04-19


We headed down to the Zanzibar club last night, to catch some live music in their Songbook Session night.

The first act we caught was Nick Ellis, lead singer from the Maybes, on a solo side-project. He was very accomplished and great at interacting with the crowd, but not really my cup of tea.

The rest of the acts I really enjoyed. Jay Lewis, up next, was probably just my favourite, but I can't find any links to him online.

Rachael Wright had a great voice, and there's not enough glockenspiel action in music these days.

Serren Fore wowed us with some very complicated trickery involving guitars and all sorts of electronics, but all producing a great sound.

And the final act we caught was Stephen Hedley, a great way to end our night.

Well worth the four quid entrance, it's always good to experience some live acts.

  • Tags: liverpool music zanzibar

    Posted by Adrian at April 19, 2009 05:15 PM | TrackBack

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