September 06, 2013

Twin Burger Cities

Liverpool and New York. Two cities with many connections. Once opposing endpoints of the transatlantic liner routes, now they can add a new link. Both host Ignite events which have featured talks about burgers!

At Ignite NYC, Hilary Mason gave a great talk about using data to find the best cheeseburgers...

And for his first Ignite Liverpool talk (back in April 2010!), now veteran IgniteLiv speaker Alistair Houghton talked about his passion for burger chain Wimpy...

Of course, we're always interested in hearing from people who'd like to speak at a future Ignite Liverpool. Next one is on 14th November 2013 - visit the Ignite Liverpool website to let us know if you want to talk, or to just book a ticket to come along and watch.

Posted by Adrian at September 6, 2013 01:08 PM | TrackBack

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