March 06, 2006

Bert and the Shirts @ CB2

I've owned my acoustic guitar for almost quarter of a century, but Saturday night was the first time it's been used for a performance. Probably because I hated the group rehearsals and so didn't do any of the orchestra stuff when I was at school. I wasn't performing on Saturday night either, Rebecca borrowed my guitar for her first gig in Cambridge.

She was supporting some friends-of-a-friend who had the basement in CB2 (the cafe bar, not the postal district) for the night. Her mix of a few of her own songs with some Katie Melua and Alanis Morrissette covers was well received, and her set ended with some of the other musicians for the night joining her for a KT Tunstall number.

That was followed by Joel (who'd arranged the gig) doing some solo stuff on his bass. I was sure I recognised the first song, and was racking my brains trying to remember what it was when Joel said they were all original compositions...

The evening finished off with the headline act (and the band Joel is part of), Bert and the Shirts. Obviously old-school, what with the website rather than a trendier one, but having it written across Bert's guitar is an excellent idea.

Now we just have to get Rebecca to do some more of these things!

Posted by Adrian at March 6, 2006 09:06 AM | TrackBack

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