January 04, 2005

Get Ahead Of The Crowd

Okay, I should be doing my tax return, but I'll need some tunes to listen to whilst getting the company accounts in order won't I?

And what better way to build up my playlist for the next week or so than to spend an hour or so reading Troubled Diva's Singles of the year list and searching on Soulseek? Lots of new artists to investigate, and reminders of music I've flirted with getting over the past year.

Last year's big discovery were the Scissor Sisters, back before the album was out and all that was available was their demo CD. I'm still disappointed that Electrobix and Backwoods Part II didn't make the album.

And then to further delay me, more music list goodness courtesy of the Troubled Diva linkrack.

So that's some Annie, The Walkmen, Kaiser Chiefs, The Concretes, The Knife, Alcazar and the Real Tuesday Weld queued up, along with the odd other track and the My Morning Jacket and The Dears stuff left over from what I was listening to just before Christmas. I must start making a note of the stuff I like somewhere so I can remember to buy it.

Posted by Adrian at January 4, 2005 04:04 PM | TrackBack

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Might I suggest signing up for the Piccadilly Records mailing list. They send out a weekly email tailored to your listening tastes with MP3 samples of each release. Have come across a mountain of new music this way!

Posted by: at January 7, 2005 10:42 AM
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