February 28, 2005
Not A-Fray-d Of The Competition
The Fray - band without a recording contract, band without a website (still! it's getting to be "no joke"...), band I tipped you off to a while back, have just won the TFM (Teeside radio station) unsigned band competition. Maybe with their prize of professional recording they'll get round to putting up some sort of online presence...
Posted by Adrian at February 28, 2005 10:53 AM | TrackBackThis blog post is on the personal blog of Adrian McEwen. If you want to explore the site a bit further, it might be worth having a look at the most recent entries or look through the archives or categories over on the left.
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A headline worthy of a local paper there Adrian! I'll try and pressurise Matt into getting their website sorted out.
Posted by: Andrew at February 28, 2005 11:11 AMI figured you can't go wrong with cheesy tabloid-style headlines :-)
Posted by: Adrian at February 28, 2005 12:54 PM