February 27, 2006

'Songwriter' @ The Loft

Had a relaxing and enjoyable evening last night at Cambridge's newest live music venue, the Loft. The room upstairs at The Graduate pub on Mitcham's (Staples) Corner is now hosting live music six nights a week (Thursday - Tuesday).

The 'Songwriter' night had four acts with an acoustic-y bent. We arrived a little late and so missed Ocean State, but the three acts we did catch were all excellent.

Dale Campbell had me transfixed with his intricate, and unorthodox, guitar work. His technique involves using both hands to both pluck strings and hold frets and sounds much more complex than you'd think possible from just one man and a guitar.

Ade Payne, who name-checked his fellow musicians (Bag and Clare, IIRC) a few times, forgot to introduce himself but didn't forget any of his songs, which is the important bit.

My favourite for the evening was Kevin Hunt, an Irish singer-songwriter who doesn't seem to have a website. So I can't point you at any of his songs, which is a shame.

Instead, I'll leave you with a link to Beck Goldsmith's page on myspace.com. If we weren't busy tomorrow night, Rebecca and I would definitely be down at the Loft to see her play!

Posted by Adrian at February 27, 2006 11:39 AM | TrackBack

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Sounds great Adrian - let me know next time you are going. Cheers Geoff

Posted by: Geoff at February 27, 2006 06:46 PM
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