September 29, 2003

Unpopular, or just over-hyped?

Pitchfork: Castoffs and Cutouts: The Top 50 Most Common Used CDs

I thought I was going to get away without owning any of the most-discarded-albums, but then I got to the top ten, and found Belly: Star, Radiohead: Pablo Honey, Breeders: Last Splash, and Lemonheads: Come on Feel the Lemonheads. Don't people know that it's sacrilige to get rid of any music!

At least Arrested Development: 3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days in the Life Of... is at no. 11. Maybe I can explain this to the DJ at Fat Poppadaddies to get him to stop playing Mr. Wendel...

(Via Sleeve Notes)

Posted by Adrian at September 29, 2003 01:23 PM | TrackBack

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