July 23, 2007

Next Stop Torino!

Well, actually the next stop will be Birchington in Kent.

And the one after will be Chambery in France.

But after that it's all about Torino!

That's right, when you read this (the wonders of delayed posting, I'm sat eating my breakfast at the moment, with a lot of rubbish and recycling to dispose of and yet more packing still to finish) we'll be en route to Italy.

Down to Rebecca's parents' place for tonight, then onto the 8.15am ferry tomorrow. Then lots of driving down to south-east France for an overnight in Chambery before the final leg over the Alps and down to Turin on Wednesday.

Posted by Adrian at July 23, 2007 03:54 PM | TrackBack

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Best of luck with the move. Hope you have fun in Turin!

Posted by: Malcolm at July 27, 2007 12:26 PM
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