December 21, 2020


It's been a couple of years since I last had some music that I wanted to share on this date. I've had a few years of not collecting much new stuff—still perpetually listening to lots, but not buying any.

This year, however, I seem to have gotten back into the swing of it. Partly I've had a bit more disposable income and so have filling holes in my back catalogue, but also finding some new releases that I love.

There are two that particularly stand out, both with really strong lyrics but with very different themes.

First up, a Scouse modern-day Billy Bragg. The rest of his album is great, but this is the track that really hooked me:

The other is a much more individual topic, full of beautiful couplets summing up the bittersweet experience of a breakup—"This is how we die, become just you and I". Lovely.

Posted by Adrian at December 21, 2020 05:23 PM | TrackBack

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