June 30, 2008

The Crazy Inglese

Things have been busy the past few weeks, and I've been collecting quite a backlog of stuff to write about. Pretty much all of it is Italy- and Torino-related, as we're cramming as much as possible into our last weeks here. And at the same time getting some work done, and starting to plan and arrange things ready for the move back to UK and to Liverpool.

So, in addition to my blogging about supercar manufacturers and museums in Modena, there's the historic Lancia rally from last weekend and photos of the four-day party weekend as Torino celbrated its patron-saint day with a procession, a bonfire, and lots of fireworks.

However, none of that will be arriving on this blog any time soon, as we're busy packing stuff up ready for when I drive back to England at the end of next month. Which would give us plenty of time, but tomorrow morning we'll be catching the 8:20am train from Torino towards the coast.

We'll have our bikes with us, laden down with panniers and a tent, ready for a three-week-long cycle tour of Liguria, Tuscany and the Amalfi coast. As that takes in almost the entire length of Italy, we won't be cycling the entire distance, but will be using a combination of bikes and trains.

As a result, blogging here will be light, to say the least. I'm going to pull my twitter updates onto this page though, to give a taste of what we're up to, and our provisional itinerary is below. Hopefully my phone's GPS will work okay (once I've finished rigging something up to mount it onto the handlebars of my bike) and so in August there'll be photos and route maps.

The itinerary:

The Cinque Terre 1/7 - 4/7

Genova -> Rapallo -> Sestri -> Levanto -> Riomaggiore -> La Spezia -> Viareggio

Toscana (Tuscany) 4/7 - 9/7

Lucca -> Firenze (Florence) -> San Gimignano -> Siena -> Montepulciano -> Chiusi

The Amalfi Coast 10/7 - 17/7

Ischia -> Napoli (Naples) -> Sorrento -> Positano -> Agerola -> Amalfi -> Minori -> Vietri -> Salerno -> Pompeii

Roma 17/7 - 19/7

Err, just Rome.


Posted by Adrian at June 30, 2008 10:35 AM | TrackBack

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Have fun in the Cinque Terre! But don't eat in the dodgy seafood restaurant in Riomaggiore or you'll wish you hadn't...

Posted by: Malcolm at July 3, 2008 10:24 PM
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